California Dental Hygienists’ Association San Diego (CDHA SD) Executive Officers are elected by our general members of the CDHA SD local component. Each year we have a Call for Officers opportunity. Members of CDHA SD who are interested in running for an Officer position submits a photo and bio. An election is held at our general meeting when the CDHA SD members in attendance cast their private votes. At the end of the meeting, the results are announced. The newly elected Officers are installed at the next general meeting, typically in May.
President: Taylor Goossens, RDH, MS
President Elect: Vacant
Vice President of Administration - Secretary: Kelly Depner RDH
Vice President of Professional Development - Corporate Sponsor: Heidi Coggan, RDHAP
Treasurer: Heather Dagley RDH
Trustee: Stacie Newbill-Henderson, RDH
Alternate Trustee: vacant
Hospitality/PR - Merna Marcus RDH/Heather Dagley RDH
Public Health Outreach -Susana Rico RDH
Membership and Registration - Maite Rodriguez
Student Relations - vacant
Ways and Means-Heather Dagley RDH
Nominations - Heidi Coggan, BS, RDHAP
Finance Committee-Trish Thomas RDH, RDHAP, MSDH
Our Committee Chairs are appointed by the President. The Chairs serve as a vital role for CDHA SD. Chairs are tasked with the responsibilities of collaborating with other local organizations to improve access to care for the San Diego community, promotes the value of membership and supporting our profession to the registered dental hygienists and hygienists in alternative practice of San Diego, assists students enrolled in our local dental hygiene programs with resources that are available for student members of CDHA, and other local opportunities in order to reach their program requirements, and bring new ideas/creativity for CDHA SD to FUNraise.
If you are interested in serving on CDHA SD, you can click here to learn the Scopes and Duties of each position.
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